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Preventative Maintenance Plans
SMART INSPECTIONAnnual Inspection Moisture Inspection Roofing Inspection
STRUCTURAL REPAIRS & MAINTENANCEPaint/Coatings Stucco, EIFS and Hardie Siding Spalling Rust Removal Asphalt Balcony Maintenance Handrail Repairs & Maintenance Window and Door Maintenance Walkway Coatings Decking & Beach Walkovers Fencing Flashing and Trim
PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCEPower Washing Sealants Pavers Gutters Drains
General & Specialty Hours
OuterShield's Preventative Maintenance Plan offers both specialty work and general maintenance services. The specialty work involves structural repairs or other complex repairs that require limited access and specialized skills. The general maintenance plan, on the other hand, covers routine maintenance tasks such as painting touch-ups, pressure washing, and sealant application.

General Services
Smart Inspection
Pressure Washing
Maintenance Services

Specialty Services
Smart Inspection
Structural Repairs
Limited Access
Specialty Work
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